Getting help ============ Have a specific question or problem with NEST? ---------------------------------------------- Check out the :doc:`troubleshooting section ` for common issues. If your question is not on there, you are welcome to subscribe to our :doc:`Mailing List ` and ask. Getting help on the command line interface ------------------------------------------ * The :py:func:`.helpdesk` command will launch the documentation pages on your browser. * To access the High-level Python API reference material you can use the commands: .. code-block:: python # list all functions and attributes dir(nest) # Get docstring for function in Python ... help('nest.FunctionName') # ... or in IPython nest.FunctionName? Model Information ----------------- * To get a complete list of the models available in NEST type: .. code-block:: python nest.Models() * To get a list of only neuron models use: .. code-block:: python nest.Models(mtype='nodes') * To get a list of only synapse models use: .. code-block:: python nest.Models(mtype='synapses') * To get details on model equations and parameters, use: .. code-block:: python'model_name')