Exceptions module

exception nest.lib.hl_api_exceptions.NESTError(message)

Bases: Exception

Base exception class for all NEST exceptions.

class nest.lib.hl_api_exceptions.NESTErrors

Bases: object

Namespace for NEST exceptions, including dynamically created classes from SLI.

Dynamic exception creation is through __getattr__ defined in the metaclass NESTMappedException.

exception NESTError(message)

Bases: Exception

Base exception class for all NEST exceptions.

exception PyNESTError(message)

Bases: NESTError

Exceptions produced from Python/Cython code.

exception SLIException(commandname, errormessage, errorname='SLIException')

Bases: NESTError

Base class for all exceptions coming from sli.


alias of SLIException

static init(parent, errorname)

Static class method to construct init’s for SLIException children.

Construct our new init with closure on errorname (as a default value) and parent. The default value allows the __init__ to be chained and set by the leaf child. This also moves the paramerization of __init__ away from the class construction logic and next to the SLIException init.


parent: the ancestor of the class needed to properly walk up the MRO (not possible with super() or
super(type,…) because of the dynamic creation of the function

(used as a closure on the constructed __init__).

errorname: the class name for information purposes

internally (used as a closure on the constructed __init__).

parents = {'ArgumentType': 'InterpreterError', 'BadDelay': 'KernelException', 'BadParameter': 'KernelException', 'BadParameterValue': 'SLIException', 'BadProperty': 'KernelException', 'DictError': 'InterpreterError', 'DimensionMismatch': 'KernelException', 'DistributionError': 'KernelException', 'EntryTypeMismatch': 'DictError', 'GSLSolverFailure': 'KernelException', 'IOError': 'SLIException', 'IllegalConnection': 'KernelException', 'IncompatibleReceptorType': 'KernelException', 'InexistentConnection': 'KernelException', 'InvalidDefaultResolution': 'KernelException', 'InvalidTimeInModel': 'KernelException', 'KeyError': 'KernelException', 'LocalNodeExpected': 'KernelException', 'MUSICChannelAlreadyMapped': 'KernelException', 'MUSICChannelUnknown': 'KernelException', 'MUSICPortAlreadyPublished': 'KernelException', 'MUSICPortHasNoWidth': 'KernelException', 'MUSICPortUnconnected': 'KernelException', 'MUSICPortUnknown': 'KernelException', 'MUSICSimulationHasRun': 'KernelException', 'ModelInUse': 'KernelException', 'NewModelNameExists': 'KernelException', 'NoThreadSiblingsAvailable': 'KernelException', 'NodeWithProxiesExpected': 'KernelException', 'NumericalInstability': 'KernelException', 'RangeCheck': 'InterpreterError', 'StackUnderflow': 'InterpreterError', 'StepMultipleRequired': 'KernelException', 'SystemSignal': 'InterpreterError', 'TimeMultipleRequired': 'KernelException', 'TypeMismatch': 'InterpreterError', 'UnaccessedDictionaryEntry': 'DictError', 'UndefinedName': 'DictError', 'UnexpectedEvent': 'KernelException', 'UnknownModelName': 'KernelException', 'UnknownNode': 'KernelException', 'UnknownPort': 'KernelException', 'UnknownReceptorType': 'KernelException', 'UnknownSynapseType': 'KernelException', 'UnknownThread': 'KernelException', 'UnsupportedEvent': 'KernelException'}
source = 'SLI'
class nest.lib.hl_api_exceptions.NESTMappedException

Bases: type

Metaclass for exception namespace that dynamically creates exception classes.

If a class (self) of this (meta)-type has an unknown attribute requested, __getattr__ defined below gets called, creating a class with that name (the error name) and with an __init__ taking commandname and errormessage (as created in the source) which is a closure on the parent and errorname as well, with a parent of default type (self.default_parent) or self.parents[errorname] if defined.