Script controlling the simulation of a single game of Sudoku

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This script instantiates a network and configures it to solve a Sudoku puzzle. It then simulates the network until it either converges on a solution or a maximum simulation time has been reached.

The output shows the solved Sudoku puzzle in black and white if the network converges within the specified timeframe. If it does not, the output indicates which of the rows, columns and boxes are invalid by highlighting them in red.

Credit to the original SpiNNaker implementation of the network used here goes to Steve Furber and Andrew Rowley from the University of Manchester.

See Also

Original implementation of this Network on SpiNNaker

Network class

Script for generating output gifs

Helper functions


Terminology used in variable names and documentation: cell: One of the 81 squares that make up the sudoku field box: One of the 9 collections of 3x3 cells necessary to solve a Sudoku digit: Number between 1 and 9 population: Collection of neurons coding for a single digit in a cell


J Gille, S Furber, A Rowley

import nest
import sudoku_net
import numpy as np
import logging
import pickle
from helpers import get_puzzle, validate_solution, plot_field
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

nest.SetKernelStatus({'local_num_threads': 8})

puzzle_index = 4
noise_rate = 350
sim_time = 100
max_sim_time = 10000
max_iterations = max_sim_time//sim_time

puzzle = get_puzzle(puzzle_index)
network = sudoku_net.SudokuNet(pop_size=5, input=puzzle, noise_rate=noise_rate)

solution_states = np.zeros((max_iterations, 9, 9), dtype=int)

run = 0
valid = False

while not valid:

    spiketrains = network.get_spike_trains()
    solution = np.zeros((9, 9), dtype=np.uint8)

    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            # obtain indices of the spike recorders coding for digits in
            # the current cell
            spike_recorders = network.io_indices[row, col]

            # spiketrains for all digits in the current cells
            cell_spikes = spiketrains[spike_recorders]
            spike_counts = np.array(
                [len(s["times"]) for s in cell_spikes])

            # if two digits have the same activation, pick one at random
            winning_digit = int(np.random.choice(
                np.flatnonzero(spike_counts == spike_counts.max()))) + 1
            solution[row, col] = winning_digit

    solution_states[run] = solution
    valid, cells, rows, cols = validate_solution(puzzle, solution)

    if not valid:
        ratio_correct = (np.sum(cells) + np.sum(rows) + np.sum(cols)) / 27"{run*sim_time}ms, performance: "
                     f"{np.round(ratio_correct, 3)}")
    else:"{run*sim_time}ms, valid solution found.")

    run += 1
    if run >= max_iterations:"no solution found after {run*sim_time}ms, aborting.")

img_name = "sudoku_solution.png""storing final state to: {img_name}...")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plot_field(puzzle, solution, ax, True)

out_name = f"{noise_rate}Hz_puzzle_{puzzle_index}.pkl""storing simulation data to {out_name}...")
output = {}
output["noise_rate"] = noise_rate
output["sim_time"] = sim_time
output["max_sim_time"] = max_sim_time
output["solution_states"] = solution_states[:run+1]
output["puzzle"] = puzzle

with open(out_name, "wb") as f:
    pickle.dump(output, f)


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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