Testing the adapting exponential integrate and fire model in NEST (Brette and Gerstner Fig 2C)

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This example tests the adaptive integrate and fire model (AdEx) according to Brette and Gerstner [1] reproduces Figure 2C of the paper. Note that Brette and Gerstner give the value for b in nA. To be consistent with the other parameters in the equations, b must be converted to pA (pico Ampere).


import nest
import nest.voltage_trace
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


First we make sure that the resolution of the simulation is 0.1 ms. This is important, since the slop of the action potential is very steep.

nest.resolution = 0.1
neuron = nest.Create("aeif_cond_alpha")

a and b are parameters of the adex model. Their values come from the publication.

neuron.set(a=4.0, b=80.5)

Next we define the stimulus protocol. There are two DC generators, producing stimulus currents during two time-intervals.

dc = nest.Create("dc_generator", 2)
dc.set(amplitude=[500.0, 800.0], start=[0.0, 500.0], stop=[200.0, 1000.0])

We connect the DC generators.

nest.Connect(dc, neuron, 'all_to_all')

And add a voltmeter to sample the membrane potentials from the neuron in intervals of 0.1 ms.

voltmeter = nest.Create("voltmeter", params={'interval': 0.1})
nest.Connect(voltmeter, neuron)

Finally, we simulate for 1000 ms and plot a voltage trace to produce the figure.


plt.axis([0, 1000, -80, -20])

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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