NEST Simulator documentation


NEST is used in computational neuroscience to model and study behavior of large networks of neurons.

The models describe single neuron and synapse behavior and their connections. Different mechanisms of plasticity can be used to investigate artificial learning and help to shed light on the fundamental principles of how the brain works.

NEST offers convenient and efficient commands to define and connect large networks, ranging from algorithmically determined connections to data-driven connectivity. Create connections between neurons using numerous synapse models from STDP to gap junctions.

Get started with NEST

Conceptual approach

flowchart LR classDef nodeStyle color:#fff, stroke:#fff0, fill:#015491; classDef nodeStyle2 color:#fff, stroke:#fff0, fill:#072f42; classDef nodeStyle3 color:#222, stroke:#fff0, fill:#22222233; exp --> nest-simulator models -->nest-simulator nest-simulator --> act subgraph exp [Experimental protocols] ir(input rates, input currents, <br> timed sequences, etc.):::nodeStyle3 end subgraph nest-simulator direction TB stimulating_devices:::nodeStyle2 --> simulate simulate:::nodeStyle2 --> recording_devices:::nodeStyle2 end subgraph models [Built-in or user provided models] direction LR neuron_models:::nodeStyle --> network:::nodeStyle synapse_models:::nodeStyle --> network end subgraph act [Activity data] smp(spike membrane potential, <br> synaptic weights, etc.):::nodeStyle3 end class act sg class exp sg class models main class nest-simulator main classDef sg fill:#ddd, stroke:#4441, color:#111; classDef main fill:#fff0, stroke:#f63, color:#111, font-weight: bold, stroke-dasharray:5 10, stroke-width:3px; simulate[<img src='_static/img/nest_logo.png' /> Simulation \n ______________________] neuron_models[<img src='_static/img/neuron.svg' /> \n Neuron Models] synapse_models[<img src='_static/img/synapse.svg' /> \n Synapse Models] stimulating_devices[<img src='_static/img/stimulatelight.svg' /> Stimulating Devices] recording_devices[<img src='_static/img/recordinglight.svg' /> Recording Devices] network[<img src='_static/img/networkbrainlight.svg' /> \n Network Models] click network href "./networks/spatially_structured_networks.html" click neuron_models href "./models/index_neuron.html" click synapse_models href "./models/index_synapse.html" click stimulating_devices href "./models/index_generator.html" click recording_devices href "./models/index_device.html" click simulate href "./nest_behavior/running_simulations.html"


' syntax see

' !include <C4/C4_Container>
!define TUPADR
!include TUPADR/devicons2/bash.puml
!include FONTAWESOME/file_invoice.puml
!include FONTAWESOME/chart_bar.puml


AddBoundaryTag("nest", $borderColor="#ff6633", $borderThickness=3, $fontColor="#ff6633")

Boundary(models, "Builtin or user provided choice of models") {
    Person(network, "network model", $sprite="img:{scale=.25}", $descr="«connectome»")
    Person(neuron, "neuron models", $sprite="img:{scale=.3}", $link="", $descr="«ODEs»")
    Person(synapse, "synapse models", $sprite="img:{scale=.3}", $link="", $descr="«ODEs»")

Boundary(nestsim, "NEST Simulator", $tags="nest") {
    System(nest, "simulation", $sprite="img:{scale=.6}")
    System(stimulation, "stimulation devices", $sprite="img:{scale=.3}")
    System(recording, "recording devices", $sprite="img:{scale=.3}")

SystemDb(protocol, "experimental\nprotocol", $sprite="file_invoice")
SystemDb(activity, "activity data", $sprite="chart_bar")

Rel_L(stimulation, nest, "stimulate")
Rel_L(nest, recording, "measure")
Rel(network, nest, "")
Rel(neuron, network, "")
Rel(synapse, network, "")

Rel_U(protocol, stimulation, "input rates,\ninput currents,\ntimed sequences, …")
Rel(recording, activity, "spikes,\nmembrane potentials,\nsynaptic weights, …")