.. _modelsmain: Models in NEST ============== What we mean by `models` ------------------------ Models in the context of NEST are C++ implementations of mathematical equations that describe the characteristics and behavior of different types of neurons and synapses, based on the relevant peer-reviewed publications for the model. We also use the term model in relation to network models (e.g., :doc:`microcircuit <../auto_examples/Potjans_2014/index>` and `multi-area model `_). These network models can be considered a level of complexity higher than the neuron or synapse model. However, here, we focus on neuron and synapse models and not on network models. Find a model ------------ NEST provides a ton of models! Textbook standards like integrate-and-fire and Hodgkin-Huxley-type models are available alongside high-quality implementations of models published by the neuroscience community. The model directory is organized and autogenerated by keywords (e.g., :doc:`adaptive threshold `, :doc:`conductance-based ` etc.). Models that contain a specific keyword will be listed under that word. .. seealso:: Discover :doc:`all the models in our directory `. Create and customize models with NESTML --------------------------------------- Check out :doc:`NESTML `, a domain-specific language for neuron and synapse models. NESTML enables fast prototyping of new models using an easy to understand, yet powerful syntax. This is achieved by a combination of a flexible processing toolchain written in Python with high simulation performance through the automated generation of C++ code, suitable for use in NEST Simulator. .. seealso:: See the :doc:`NESTML docs for installation details `. .. note:: NESTML is also available as part of NEST's official :ref:`docker image `. Model naming ------------ Neuron models ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Neuron model names in NEST combine abbreviations that describe the dynamics and synapse specifications for that model. They may also include the author's name of a model based on a specific paper. For example, the neuron model name ``iaf_cond_beta`` corresponds to an implementation of a spiking neuron using integrate-and-fire dynamics with conductance-based synapses. Incoming spike events induce a postsynaptic change of conductance modeled by a beta function. As an example for a neuron model name based on specific paper, ``hh_cond_exp_traub`` implements a modified version of the Hodgkin Huxley neuron model based on Traub and Miles (1991) Synapse models ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Synapse models include the word synapse as the last word in the model name. Synapse models may begin with the author name (e.g., ``clopath_synapse``) or process (e.g., ``stdp_synapse``). Devices ~~~~~~~ A device name should represent its physical counterpart - like a multimeter is ``multimeter``. In general, the term ``recorder`` is used for devices that store the output (e.g., spike times or synaptic strengths over time) of other nodes and make it accessible to the user. The term ``generator`` is used for devices that provide input into the simulation. .. seealso:: See our glossary section on :ref:`common abbreviations used for model terms `. It includes alternative terms commonly used in the literature.