.. _check_code: Check your code =============== Below, we provide tools and scripts that you can use to check the formatting of your code. Before you get started, please take a look at our :ref:`detailed guidelines for C++ coding in NEST ` Development environment ----------------------- We have provided an `environment.yml `_ file that contains all packages to do development in NEST, including the tools to check coding style. See our :ref:`instructions on installing NEST from source `. Tooling ------- The `clang-format `_ tool is built on the clang compiler frontend. It prettyprints input files in a configurable manner, and also has Vim and Emacs integration. We supply a clang-format-file (```` to enforce some parts of the coding style. During the code review process we check that there is no difference between the committed files and the formatted version of the committed files. Developers can benefit from the tool by formatting their changes before issuing a pull request. For fixing more files at once we provide a script that applies the formatting. From the source directory call: .. code:: ./build_support/format_all_c_c++_files.sh [start folder, defaults to '$PWD'] The code has to compile without warnings (in the default settings of the build infrastructure). We restrict ourselves to the C++11 standard for a larger support of compilers on various cluster systems and supercomputers. We use clang-format version 13 in our CI. If your `clang-format` executable is not version 13, you need to specify an executable with version 13 explicitly with the `--clang-format` option to ensure consistency with the NEST CI. Furthermore, we use `Vera++ `_, which 'is a programmable tool for verification, analysis and transformation of C++ source code'. It enables further checks for the code complying to the coding guidelines. We provide the vera-profile-nest (````) file in the repository (which needs to be copied/symlinked into ``vera++home>/lib/vera++/profiles/``). We then check that there are no messages generated by the execution of the following command: .. code:: sh vera++ -profile nest Finally, we let `cppcheck `_ statically analyse the committed files and check for severe errors. We require cppcheck version 1.69 or later. .. code:: sh cppcheck --enable=all Python ------ We enforce `PEP8 `_ formatting, using `Black `_. You can automatically have your code reformatted before you commit using pre-commit hooks: .. code-block:: bash pip install pre-commit pre-commit install Now, whenever you commit, Black will check your code. If something was reformatted it will show up in your unstaged changes. Stage them and recommit to succesfully commit your code. Alternatively, you can run black manually: .. code-block:: bash pip install black black . Local static analysis --------------------- To run local static code checks, please refer to the "run" lines in the GitHub Actions CI definition at https://github.com/nest/nest-simulator/blob/master/.github/workflows/nestbuildmatrix.yml.